"Faith in Every Student"
Saint Mary School follows the Ridgefield Public School’s decisions regarding weather related school cancellations and delays.  These decisions are made early in the morning, and are reported on local TV and radio stations to include Channel 3, 8, and 30, and are also reported on the Ridgefield Press website and the Ridgefield Public School website.  You may sign up to receive an email blast from the Superintendent of the Public Schools by going to ridgefield.org, selecting the Communication tab, and signing up for e-alerts for Superintendent Messages.

In the event that your child’s bus is late and you want to check in, you may call the Baumann Bus Company at 894-8008.

Saint Mary School closes automatically when the Ridgefield Public Schools close. Please do not call the school office for closing information as the telephone line must remain open for emergencies. Announcements of school closings and delayed openings will be made between 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. on the following stations:

These television channels will run continuous scrolling cancellation messages.

Early dismissals – students will follow their regular dismissal routine (pick-up or bus) unless a parent calls the Main Office with other plans.

Preschool Parents:
If the Ridgefield Public Schools are closed, the Preschool will be
closed. If the Ridgefield Public Schools call for a 2 hour delay, all morning classes will begin at 10:00 am.
Saint Mary School
183 High Ridge Avenue
Ridgefield, CT 06877